Nicola Light
United Kingdom
Holistic Therapist
Sound Healing
Quantum Energy And Sound Healer
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Nicola is a mother of two grown-up children and a grandmother of a beautiful granddaughter. Living in the UK, Nicola now travels around the world offering her healing modality and wisdom to many.

Nicola offers healing and mentoring to groups and single one-to-ones in retreats and healing centres.

Beginners to Intermediate - Nicola teaches from the foundation, up. Pure mindfulness, intuitive breath and body movement. Energy awareness to heal yourself and others. Reiki Master. Mindfulness for children and parents.

Expanding and Mastery - empowering the state of mind, body and soul. Take it up to the next evolutionary scale of your spiritual journey. It is the continuation of your soul’s alignment that will free you totally from the old into the new you.

Services I Offer:

Foundation Services: Reiki, mindfulness, Light meditation, intuitive breathwork, Intuitive body movement, energy awareness. Emotional Release.
Wayshower: Upleveling your spiritual journey, quantum awareness, Light Language Expression and Healing with Light Language.
Multidimensional aspect connection. Soul Retrieval. Galactic Shaman, aligning you to higher levels of consciousness.

I’m Based In:

I am based in the UK in Nottinghamshire at the moment and travel to Glastonbury and East Sussex frequently.

I Can Travel To:

I am open to travelling all over the world to work with the best retreat centres and people.

What Inspires Me:

My soul\'s mission is to connect to people who wish to change and shift into their heart space. To bring peace and joy to themselves and others.

My Favourite Book:

My favourite book is my journal. My life is full of experiences and through my experiences, I can assist others to become empowered to create their own book of life.

My Favourite Retreat Locations Around The World:

The location of where I am is the place I need to be. When the Universe aligns me, this is the space I will need to be.

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